27 July 2024 09:31 AM


Access to Information

In accordance with the Law on the Right of Access to Information (Law no. 28/2017), every person, physical or legal, has the right to access and review information and documents held with the administration in accordance with the provisions of this law, without prejustice to cases of abuse of rights.

A request for access to information or a document held with the Ministry of Justice shall be submitted by completing and signing the below template and sending it by e-mail to the following address: [email protected]

- Access to Information Request form.

Access to Information Law Citizen Guide (Arabic).


افتتاح الموقع الالكتروني الجديد لوزارة العدل

02 June 2017


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طلب وزير العدل إجراء التعقبات

29 March 2017

 حضرة مديرة الوكالة الوطنية للإعلام السيدة لور سليمان المحترمة المكتب الإعلامي لوزير العدل عملاً بالمادة ...

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