23 October 2024 11:18 AM

Projects for Modernization Back

Modernizing the legislation

 The Ministry of Justice has contributed during the last years in the preparation of a number of laws that were ratified and these laws are:

Criminal procedures law.
The law for the modification of the military judiciary.
The law for the modification of some of the provisions of the judicial courts (strengthening the independence of the judiciary).
The modification of some of the provisions of the civil procedures law (arbitration).
The law for the execution of sanctions.
The law of the honorary positions in the judiciary.
The cancellation of law number 302/94 (the execution of the death penalty whether if the killing was premeditated or intentional) and to reinstate the old sanctions law in terms of the subject of the death penalty.
The law regarding the benefit of the judges of the druze confessional courts of the provisions of article 79 (to add services) from the legislative decree number 150/83 (the judicial courts law).
The law regarding the modification of article 64 of the statute of the State council.
The law regarding the modification of article 4 of the law number 324 dated 24/03/1994 (the settlement of the building infractions).
The law regarding the protection of the juveniles who are breaking the law or who are in danger.
The law regarding the appointment of judges among the lawyers.

Follows a listing for the most important laws that were issued since the beginning of year 2005 and till today :

In year 2005 :

Authorizing the Lebanese government to join some of the conventions :

Authorizing the Lebanese government to join the international world health organization regarding the subject of combating tobacco (on 04/2/2005).
Authorizing the Lebanese government to join the united nations convention to fight organized crime thru nationalism (on 24/08/2005).
Authorizing the Lebanese government to join the Protocol regarding the forbidding, restraining and punishing human trafficking and mainly women and children trafficking (on 24/08/2005).
Authorizing the Lebanese government to join the Protocol of smuggling immigrants by land, sea and air (on 24/08/2005).
Authorizing the Lebanese government to join the convention of international liability for damages caused by spatial elements (on 12/12/2005).

Other laws :

The law of the safety of civil aviation (on 04/2/2005).
The law of consumer’s protection (on 04/02/2005).
The law of the republic’s mediator (on 04/02/2005)
The modification of article 2 of the legislative decree number 52 on 29/07/83 and its amendments.
The modification of law number 250/93 modified by law number 150/99 – Establishing the constitutional council – and the modification of law number 243 – the personal statute of the council of state (on 04/02/2005).
The personal status law of the evangelical confession in Syria and Lebanon (on 01/04/2005).
The law of the code of procedures of the evangelical confession in Syria and Lebanon (on 01/04/2005).
The modification of the law number 171 dated 06/01/2000 regarding the withdrawal of the members of parliament (on 01/04/2005).

In 2006 :

Authorizing the Lebanese government to join some conventions :

Authorizing the government to ratify the convention regarding the protection of the non-material cultural heritage (on 15/05/2006).
Authorizing the government to ratify the agreement regarding the protection of the cultural heritage existing covered by water (dated 15/05/2006).
Authorizing the government to ratify the convention regarding the free trade between the Lebanese republic and the European union countries (on 15/05/2006).
Authorizing the government to join the anti-fire arms, its parts, components and ammunitions and their trade illegally complementing the protocol of the united nations convention to combat organized crime thru nationalism (on 15/05/2006).
Authorizing the government to join the international convention to combat the nuclear terrorism (on 15/05/2006).
Authorizing the government to join the convention to prohibit the creation, production, storage and usage of chemical arms and the destruction of these arms (11/11/2006).
Authorizing the government to ratify the convention of the total ban of nuclear testing treaty (on 11/11/2006).

Other laws :

Modification of paragraph 1 of article 5 of the law number 234 on 10/06/2000 regarding the organization of the financial mediation profession (on 15/05/2006).
Modification of paragraph 1 of article 94 of the legislative decree number 144 on 12/06/1959 and its modification – income tax - on 09/06/2006.
Modification of some articles of law number 250/93 on 14/07/93 and its modification – establishing the constitutionel council – on 09/06/2006.
Establishing and organizing and monitoring the blood transfusion centers (on 11/11/2006).
Modification of the legislative decree number 45 issued on 24/06/83 – the statute of the holding company – 11/11/2006.
The law of vegetable quarantine and the measures regarding the vegetable health (on 28/11/2006).
Modification of law number 58 on 29/05/1991 – expropriation law – on 08/12/2006.
Cancellation of the anti-dumping legislative decree number 31 on 5/08/1967 and replacing it with the law for the protection of the national production (on 08/12/2006).

As well as the current study of a large number of project-laws that were presented to the legislation and consultation committee at the Ministry of Justice and they are :

Proposal of a law aiming at organizing the relation of the lessor and the lessee as a result of the events occurring since 12/07/2006.
Projects for modifying the texts regarding the directorate of geographical affairs.
Project law regarding the protections of the heritage building and sites.
The project of a decree regarding the establishment of a vocational workshop to train the imprisoned juveniles at the Roumieh prison.
The modification of article 41 of the code of criminal procedures and the addition of some articles regarding the criminal law with the aim of protecting the crime scene from any tampering.
The project of a partnership law between the public sector and the private sector.
The project of a law that will make voting an obligation.
The project of a decree aiming at organizing the works of the committees for objection on the water and electricity bills and records.
The project of a law aiming at protecting the industrial drawings and samples.
The project of a law aiming at modifying article 58 of the legislative decree number 102 date 16/09/1983 and its modification (National Defense Law)
The project of an alternative law to the proposal of a law aiming at modifying some of the provisions of the construction law.
The project of a decree aiming at canceling the decree number 14069 on 25/01/2005 ( excluding some buildings in terms of increasing the exploitation factor and the number of floors and the elevation),
The project of a law aiming at authorizing the government to ratify an agreement to establish a regional body in Beirut – the permanent arbitration court.
The project of a law regarding the modification of some provisions regarding the commercial booklets and the commercial companies and the discharges issued by the Social Security National Fund and the judicial fees and the financial stamp fee.
The project of the organizational decree for the law of the protection of the national production.

The Ministry resorts in this field to specialized committees that handles the study of the project laws and their referral mainly the committee of uniting and modernizing the laws stipulated for in the legislative decree number 147/83 headed by the Minister of Justice and composed of the attorneys Ziad Baroud, Rola El Hassan Bekdach, Bachir Bilani, Mazen Taj el Dine, Youssef Takla, Nadi Tyan, Ramzi Jreij, Fayez El Hajj Chahin, George Khadij, Michel Khattar, Melhem Khalaf, Philip Khairallh, Salah El Dine Dabbagh, Rachid Derbass, Nassri Diab, Hassan Refaat, Youmna Zein, Michel Samarani, Abd El Salam Cheaib, Hussam Chamseldine, Roger Assi, Nabil Abdel Malak, Zeina Abdo, Salim Ossman, Sami Aoun, Mari Antoinette Ghossein Airout, Pierre Ghanajeh, Raymond Farhat, Chakib Kortbawi, Walid Kassir, Mehie El Dine El Kaissi, Ghaleb Mahmassani, Ibrahim Najjar, Alexandre Najjar, Samia Nassar Asmar, Zakaria Nsouli, Walid El Nakib, The president of the Bar association in Beirut and the president of the Bar Association in the North, the Head of the legislation and consultation committee.

In addition to the other committees assigned by the Ministry of Justice to prepare some projects, mainly the committee composed of the Judges Said Mirza and Afif Chamseldine and Chucri Sader and Ralf Riachi and Sami Mansour which has presented the proposals to modify the provisions of the code of criminal procedures, and the committee composed of the judges Ralf Riachi and Chucri Sader and Fawzi Khamiss which has presented a proposal to modify the law number 422/2002 regarding the protection of juveniles breaking the law or who are at risk.


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