22 October 2024 07:47 AM

COURTS > Attorneys at the Defense Back

The Minister of Defense appoints upon the proposal of the Higher Military Authority, at the beginning of every year, officers to whom the defense of the referees before the Military Judiciary is conferred, and the Higher Military Authority may as well agree with the civil attorneys of the bar association to ensure the defense for the defendant.

If the person brought in justice does not choose any attorney of defense to represent him, the defense will be conferred upon one of these officers or attorneys.


افتتاح الموقع الالكتروني الجديد لوزارة العدل

02 June 2017


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طلب وزير العدل إجراء التعقبات

29 March 2017

 حضرة مديرة الوكالة الوطنية للإعلام السيدة لور سليمان المحترمة المكتب الإعلامي لوزير العدل عملاً بالمادة ...

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